Our philosophy is based on the ideas of Dr. Maria Montessori who believed strongly in the contributions to humanity that the child could make. Believing that in order to create peace one must start with the child, she designed a prepared environment in which the child was free to develop. Children are given freedom to work at their own pace. They may choose to work with a group of children, individually, or with a partner. Children are encouraged to help one another, and the older children tend to lead the younger ones. The teacher acts as facilitator and keen observer to aid the natural development of the child. Ultimately, children develop a sense of pride in their work and guide themselves to success. Our goal is to create students who love to learn and are joyful in their work.

Montessori Videos

Montessori Books

Books for Montessori Children

Our Peaceful Classroom by Aline D. Wolf
I am a Montessori Kid by Valorie Veld
The Peace Rose by Alicia Jewell
Jack Goes to Montessori School by Allyson Collins & Lindsey R. Smith

Books for Parents New to Montessori

Montessori Madness by Trevor Eissler
Practical Guide to Montessori at Home by Julia Palmarola
How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin

Books for Parents Ready to Learn More

The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori
Montessori: A Modern Approach by Paula Pork Lillard
Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard

Montessori Articles

Debunking Some Common Montessori Myths

The name Montessori can mean many different things to different people. The number of myths and misconceptions...

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I've Got 5 Minutes. Explain Montessori to Me.

Montessori philosophy is as vast and deep as the ocean. Start by going to the beach. Feel the wind on your cheeks and listen to the waves crash. It's okay that you don't get it all at once.

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