Our ​Primary program is designed to meet the developmental and academic needs of the Kindergarten child.
The Lower Elementary (1st - 3rd Grades) and Upper Elementary (4th & 5th Grades) child is highly social, curious, imaginative, and eager to explore her/his world.
Learn moreThe Title I Part A Program provides federal funding to public school districts and schools with a high percentage of students in poverty.
Learn moreThe Specialized Instruction Department works with students in inclusion classrooms with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Students who are eligible for Gifted Education services will be served through one or more models.
CEMCS contracts with SP360 to provide 45-minute physical education classes to all students each week.
CEMCS students receive 50 minutes of art instruction each week in the Art classroom with the Art teacher.
The Second Step social-emotional learning curriculum is taught in every classroom.