Bell times: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM Morning Drop-Off: 8:00 - 8:30 AM Call in lunch order if running tardy by: 9:15 AM No student sign-out after: 2:50 PM Afternoon Pick-Up: 3:15 - 3:40 PM
Student Uniforms
Tops: polo shirts or plain t-shirts in white, navy blue or gray Bottoms: any style in khaki, navy blue, navy blue plaid, and black (includes blue jeans and black jeans) Face Masks: required for all students in all indoor spaces on campus
Additional notes:
All bottoms should be no shorter than three inches above the knee. No transparent/see-through or revealing clothing should be worn at any time. All shoes must be enclosed (front & back) and fastened/tied properly.
No cartoon characters are permitted on students' masks, jackets, blankets, lunchboxes, backpacks, etc. or on students' clothing during dress-down days.
Students may eat breakfast at home and/or at school and may bring lunch from home or order school lunch.
Any food brought from home should meet the school’s nutrition policy, found in the CEMCS Family Handbook.
There are so many ways to earn your Family Service Hours this year! You can join the PTA, volunteer to come read to children, help children tend to the gardens, help cut, color, laminate, or decorate works for classrooms, and/or come share your profession and/or your hobby.